A 10-year Old Grandfather

 One day under a big shady tree, a group of students was studying. They were quietly listening to their teacher explaining the lesson. There was a 70-year-old man among them. This rare scene attracted a young man who happened to pass by. He stood nearby watching them studying. He was curious to know who the old man was and what he did there. He wanted to have a little talk with the old man after the class, he dared himself to approach him and asked, "Excuse me grandpa, are you a teacher?"

"No…," answered the old man briefly.

"So, if you are not a teacher, why are you with those pupils?" asked the young man again.

"Is it wrong to sit with them? I was studying with them."

"How come. I don't think there would be any lessons suitable for you.

Those pupils are studying lessons that fit for their age. You are too old to learn what the kids learn. How old are you grandpa? Don't you feel ashamed to study with them?"

“I am exactly 10 this year...” answered the old man smiling

“Oh yeah, you must be playing around with me. I suppose you must be 70s.." guessed the young man curiously.

"Ha ha ha, you are right, young man. I am 70 if what you mean is the years I have lived since the day I was born. But, I don't count the past 60 years that I have been through as a real life. The rest 10 years of life, they are the real life," explained the old man mysteriously.
The young man got more confused by the old man's explanation. He wondered, "Why did he consider the past 60 years worthless. What did he mean?"

Sighing deeply, the old man narrated," I should have spent the first 20 years of studying for my future. But ever since I was a little kid till 20, all I did was playing around and doing nothing useful. All I had done was having fun since I had nothing to worry about. My
parents would provide all I needed to have and wanted to posses. And the next 20 years, it should have been the time for me to start and climb up career path and strive for success. Instead, I easily spent all my parents' wealth by having fun and doing all stupid things. The
third 20 years, the time which I should have spent by collecting wealth and money for my retirement, was spent by traveling and hanging around without any clear purpose. Now, all my wealth has gone. I have spent it for all temporary worldly pleasure. Now what do you
think? Haven't I lived my 60 years of life pointlessly? Haven't I wasted all my precious time?

"What about the rest 10 years?" asked the young man again. Sadly and as his eyes started to water the old man said, "For the last ten years, I realize that I have spent 60 years of my life for nothing, without any purposes, any single dream. I am nobody now; poor and lonesome. I have no friends to help me out. I live from people's mercy. But ever since I realized this, I feel as if I had been reborn. Then I decided to start all over again."

Dear readers,

The story should give us a picture of a worthless and useless life. It should teach us and our children especially youngsters not to waste time. Moreover, they are still young and have the full ability to reach their best. Time is the best thing that we all have. It is the most valuable asset that everyone has. "Time is money" there goes a quotation. Now, there is a more powerful statement about time. Time is life. Time decides what we can achieve in our life.

Everyone has the same 24 hours a day. However, what one achieves is different from one to another. Some people make millions while other only earn a few thousands. At the same time, effective people can do many valuable deeds but some just kill the time doing rubbish things. This is the reality, the 24 hours that we posses surely bring up different productivity. Those who do their work efficiently and effectively will get the best result. At the same time, people who never appreciate time, do jobs ineffectively and inefficiently will surely get the worst. This is the real meaning of the quality of life. People who run their life proficiently will certainly get the best value and maximum satisfaction of their time. They are the winners. On the contrary, ineffective people make a little or nothing from their time. They are the losers. Which one would you like to be? We live in the 21st century now. A century signed by such a fast change in all aspects of life. Technology has developed so fast ever. Competition in all lines of life is tighter. No organization wants to be left behind or caught up by its opponents. This situation forces all people who have vision in their life to keep on learning and improving themselves. They must be able to read the changing of life and trends, smartly and carefully appreciate and organize their time.

So, if you want to have a meaningful life, spend your time by doing and making valuable matters. The best thing is you can use your time the most effectively to create the best achievement. Throw away all rubbish habits and stop wasting time in doing all your works. If you can use time wisely to make the greatest works, then you will never regret all the life that you have been through. You will not be the next 10-year-old grandfather.


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